We Take Pride in Being UNC Bears
In fact, you won’t find a bigger, bolder group of graduates than the network of UNC alumni.
We may live in different cities, be graduates of different class years, and pursue different careers, but together we are UNC's Bear Network and we believe in the power of giving back.
Once a Bear, Always a Bear
Upcoming Events
Find additional university events and opportunities at calendar.sonnetour.com
Postcard & Email Requesting Alumni Updates
UNC alumni are receiving emails and postcards inviting them to update their information
and share their UNC story as part of the Alumni Oral History Project.
Find out more about this outreach effort and your opportunity to participate.
Celebrate the 2024 Honored Alumni
Join the alumni association and university in celebrating the 2024 Honored Alumni award winners. Meet this year's honorees and register to attend the March 23, 2024 dinner and ceremony.
Get Involved and Help Build the Bear Network
UNC alumni and friends are invited to help build a stronger Bear Network. Volunteer opportunities include support for admissions, career development, regional engagement and K-12 education. You can also help build the Bear Network by connecting with @UNCAlumniBears on social media and sharing UNC posts and your favorite pride points.
UNC Monthly
Proposed College of Osteopathic Medicine Projected to Bring $1.4 Billion to Colorado’s Economy
UNC’s College of Osteopathic Medicine is uniquely positioned to address Colorado’s growing physician shortage by adding an additional 150 doctors each year. It will boost Colorado’s economy by $1.4 billion over the next 20 years, with nearly half a billion of that impact ($500.2 million) remaining in Weld County, according to an economic impact study.
Former Student Body President Finds New Way to Support Her Peers
As a student, Teresa Castro, ’21, represented students through her work with student government and organizations. Now, she has returned to UNC to represent both students and alumni as assistant director of Alumni Relations. By pairing alumni with volunteer opportunities that suit their commitment and time levels, Castro helps to promote the students first environment on campus while continuing to foster alumni connection with the university.
Greeley Local and UNC Alumnus Pays It Forward Through Marketing Scholarship
Having paid for his UNC education himself, Rick Pieper, ’93, understands the burden that paying tuition can place on a student. This understanding, paired with the success he has found in his career and wanting to give back, led him to create a scholarship for a student starting from a similar place.
Visit the Newsroom and Alumni Blog to find more stories highlighting UNC success stories.